Feedback invited on draft designs for a new village community at Tudeley
Published 21st October 2020
Draft designs for a sustainable new village community at Tudeley, between Tonbridge and Paddock Wood, have been published by the Hadlow Estate with an invitation to local people to submit their ideas and feedback.
A four-day exhibition of initial ideas for a new village has been held this week (Sunday 18th October to Wednesday 21st October).
The new village will promote quality of life and sustainable living, providing a variety of homes to appeal to everyone, including affordable housing, all designed to a high standard. Employment space, shops, schools and community facilities, as well as generous open space including dedicated cycle-ways and footpaths all feature prominently.
The draft masterplan, inspired by the approach of the Prince’s Foundation which has successfully delivered homes and mixed-use communities in Cornwall and Dorset, has been prepared by Brooks Murray Architects who are UK-based specialists in the design of new communities.
A series of collaborative, community planning workshops – a “charrette” – had been scheduled for March this year and was postponed because of the Covid-19 pandemic and later, regrettably, cancelled due to the ongoing restrictions. This week’s exhibition was held to display work on the project to-date and invite feedback to inform further evolution of the masterplan.
Land between Tonbridge and Paddock Wood, which is owned and managed by the Hadlow Estate, has been identified in the draft Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Draft Local Plan as a potential site for a new village of up to 2,800 homes over the next 15 years and more.
Harry Teacher of the Hadlow Estate said: “We initially wanted to develop ideas alongside the community but we’ve been unable to do that so we are sharing our ideas for what a new community might look like if it is to be built on land at Tudeley. We’ve welcomed 150 people to our ticketed exhibition this week and the feedback we’ve received over the four days has been really useful with many constructive and creative ideas being submitted.
“One idea we’re adding to our masterplan as a result of the feedback is extending the proposed cycle path to connect with Paddock Wood. We’re also looking at the style and types of homes that people want, as well as good quality, beautiful and affordable housing for younger generations.”
Mr Teacher added: “We want to gather as much local feedback as possible to help inform the next stage of the design process so we are inviting people to view the proposals on the Tudeley Village website and submit their ideas. We are particularly keen to understand what services and facilities people would value most in a new village.”
The Tudeley Village masterplan can be viewed here and feedback can be shared here. The exhibition will be followed by a two-week consultation period and all feedback is gratefully received by Friday 6th November 2020.